Afraid Of What I'll Hear



Busy.  Noisy.  It's how we live, it's the way we roll. 


I watched my neighbor's garage door go up at 7:27 am, which brought me to think about how I woke up to an alarm clock this morning…. which brought me to think about how Jesus "rose early" and withdrew to pray.


I know we always focus on the part about Jesus making time TO PRAY.  But I'm caught on the fact that he MADE TIME and did it early, before the day of reoccurring iPhone alarms….


There's honestly no way in our world today that Jesus' pace could and would happen.  How was he able to do it?  No assistance, just waking up REFRESHED and ready for the day at hand.


Here it is.  He was able to rise early because he went to bed early.  Back then, the world shut down when then sun went down.  When it was dark, you slept. 


Today? We use superficial light to stay up hours past sunset and use a superficial device to wake us up so that we can hit the ground running once again. 


It seems today that our world is spinning faster than ever.  And that the people living in it are wearier and wearier.  So what are we afraid of?  Missing something?  Missing out on something?  Or are we ultimately afraid of what we will hear if we slow down to a pace we can actually hear our own thoughts?  To a pace where we can hear a whisper that’s screaming to our souls….


If we don't have our medication of choice in hand to help us fall asleep…. TV, sleeping pills, sound machine, alcohol…. it's different for everyone, but it's interesting to me that we often need help falling asleep and need help waking up.  I have one friend who sets 3 alarms in his room, in different parts of the room, to ensure he gets up!


I no longer think "there is something wrong with our world today…" but I am starting to believe there is something wrong with the way we are choosing to allow our world to turn.  It's not the fault of "the world".  It's on me.  It's on you.


So today, let’s choose to be those who allow the pace that God intends dictate and supersede the pace that people intend.  There’s always something happening that you’ll miss out on.  But if we choose to be people who are not finding our strength and security in being awake for everything, we will be people who are awake for the right thing. 


Pick the right thing over the everythings of life today.  And let your soul be refreshed. 

