Ripple Effect
A stone is dropped in water.
To the stone, all that's felt is the impact of hitting the water.
But the byproduct of that impact is the ripple effect.
Think about it. It doesn't just impact the place where contact with the water was initiated; it goes in every direction. Sometimes ten times the distance from the original site of impact.
So the next time you feel weary or wonder if the hard work you are doing is worth it, the next time you feel insignificant or that your efforts go unnoticed, remember this:
You are a stone in the hands of Almighty God and He is throwing you at the water with supernatural force; you, your efforts, your story and your legacy are making waves for all of eternity in EVERY DIRECTION.
Don't worry about trying to control the narrative or orchestrate the outcome. Focus your energy and efforts on creating the biggest splash imaginable and let the waves roll naturally.
You, my friend, are a world changer. One splash at a time.