First Days & Last

First days and last days are days for celebration. They mark the beginning of a new chapter and serve as a constant reminder that we are, in fact, growing. We are moving forward. We are making a difference. And we are most certainly alive.

I once heard incredible wisdom that I recall on days like today. These are four simple rules to live by. Rules that when followed, will result in a full, fulfilled life of abundance rather than exhaustion and over extension.

1. Go where you're sent.
God sends us

2. Do what you're told.
Stay in your lane. Stick with the assignment you've been given.

3. Stay where you're planted.
This means live in the moment. Don't be daydreaming about what's next, but be present.

4. Leave when you're done.
Don't overstay your welcome. Endings aren't a bad thing, they're really a precursor to a new beginning. So often we draw endings out, usually because of fear of the unknown.

So when your last day comes, embrace it. For the end of one season means the beginning of another. And with every changing season, every passing era, we move closer to becoming who we truly are.

We are shaped by every encounter, every obstacle, every changing landscape and evolving season. We are the net result of our experiences, woven together like a tightly wound fabric with our upbringing and our beliefs.
For better or for worse, we journey forward and become who we are.
Today we celebrate a new beginning.

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