Clamp Down or Let Go

Photo by RKTKN on Unsplash

Photo by RKTKN on Unsplash

You know how it goes. Stress is building. Pressure is mounting. You have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. 


So how do we respond? 


I once heard it said, you find out what's really inside when the cup gets tipped over. 


Much of leadership, much of life is a lot like a kettle filled to the brim, sitting on a stove on medium heat. Everything is careening at the surface, on the brink of boiling over.


I'm there right now. 


The to-do list is a mile long, the days seem shorter, and the number of people who need my time and input are increasing. 


Again I ask, how do we respond? 

Do we clamp down or do we let go?


I must admit, I usually default to buckling down and tightening my grip, often to the point of white-knuckling. 


And I'm painfully aware this day that I default to this. 


What we are called to do is the exact opposite:  LET.  GO.  

To become people who are grounded because we don’t control everything.  

To rest in the fact that God never intended for us to be anyone's savior.

To recognize that we have the opportunity to experience a rest for our souls even when our load is heavy.


Jesus invites us to choose to defy our instincts and let go of our burdens when everything inside of us screams to clamp down.  

So let's do it. In response to Jesus' invitation...

Let go.