Buried Inside My Computer
So her we go. Putting pen to paper on this has been something I’ve been dragging my feet on for a long, long time. Why? There’s a sense of ‘I shoulda done this a long time ago...’ that has hung over my head like a dark cloud.
But today, everything changes. Today we begin.
This is not some publicity stunt to drum up some overinflated number of followers. Today blogging begins as a means to be faithful with what has been entrusted to me.
I’ll put it this way. Jesus tells a story in Matthew 25 about talents. In the story there are 2 responses that people have to how they use their talents. Either you put it to work or you bury it in the ground. We are responsible for what we do with what we’re given.
The start of this today is my way of putting to work the thoughts and ideas, the learning’s and observations that are coming through my life experience as a follower of Jesus, a husband, a father, a worship leader, a songwriter, a musician….. Honestly, I have no other choice but to move forward and say screw the dark cloud of expectation, the ‘what if’s’ and what people may think.
If I don’t begin, I bury one of the talents I have been given inside of my computer in pile of word docs and Evernote docs, leaving it for someone to probably never find long after I am gone. And I have no interest in having that conversation with the Giver some day. And besides, according to Jesus, what is given to me, if I choose to bury it, will be stripped from me and given to someone else who has put it to work. Use it or lose it, baby.
So here’s to taking responsibility for what’s been entrusted us. There’s no other way to really live.