The Methods & The Message



The message is sacred. We must hold firmly to it and remain unwavering in our convictions. 


But the method? Methods change. The method is merely a tool to help reveal and unearth the real treasure: the message. 


Far too often we confuse the two. 

We become religious about the way and means used to deliver the message. We mistake a preference or style as the sacred, when in reality the only thing that should be held to without release is the message. The Word of God. The living, breathing, active message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


That message is locked away inside of every human. Each was fashioned by the Creator as a means of bragging on an aspect of His character and nature. 

Once the treasure is unlocked, the eyes of the soul are opened wide to the blinding brightness of a light that illuminates and brings clarity to the whole meaning of human existence.  I am here, you are here, for something much grander than 90 years of slumber, wake, eat, toil and repeat. 


Hold unswervingly to the truth. The form of megaphone you choose to pick up to shout the message from a rooftop -- that can change. 


Today, choose to let the message of hope take root in your soul. 


May we never confuse the sacredness of the message with the method. 

And may we always hold loosely to the method of delivery and tighten our grip on the One who has been, is, and will be.