Tabloid Chaser


So many of us spend our time and energy looking for the story that doesn't exist. 


We assume there's an ulterior message to be found. 


We read into everything people say or the things that happen and then come up with some wild tale of how someone is secretly edging us out. Or when someone says something, we believe they are subliminally trying to say something without saying it. 


Let's stop chasing the tabloid stories in our lives. 


The apostle Paul said to take every thought captive. That means, before you let the thought run freely through the caverns of your mind and begin to shape how you think and what you believe, you stop the thought and make it subject to the truth. Essentially, you interrogate that thought and determine one of two things: 

This thought is either truth and should be given freedom to shape the way you think and live, or it is a lie -- a distortion and perversion of the truth, sent by the devil himself to be implanted in your belief system, with the express intention of destroying your life. 


Too quickly we can allow a renegade thought to take residence in our minds and beliefs, giving way to another that should be considered an outlaw, ultimately leading to a distorted, messed up life, filled with untruths. 


The devil is a terrorist. He is the most ruthless of all. And essentially when we choose not to take our thoughts captive and make them subject to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we are harboring terrorist activity in our very soul. Which, by the way, is a temple of the Holy Spirit. 


If you wonder why you are in such a state of turmoil so often, it might be because you are at war within your spirit. The terroristic, renegade thoughts that should be outlawed are fighting with the spirit of God within you for the real estate of your soul. 


"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:4-5